
We understand how upsetting neighbour disputes can be. We will do our very best to help you at every stage of our involvement with your matter. Our involvement starts with the moment that you reach out to us for advice.

We offer an initial free telephone consultation service without obligation. This has proven very popular with property owners who are experiencing unforeseen problems with their boundaries. Many have found that simply calling us and talking through their problem has enabled them to grasp a better understanding of their situation and as a consequence, many disputes are resolved with greater amicability and for a fraction of the cost of going to Court.  Telephone consultation is subject to availability.  If we are busy helping somebody else we will ring you back as soon as we are able.

You can e-mail us with plans and photographs of your problem or simply ask us for a formal estimate for the types of service that we provide in your area. All we need is a postcode.

You can write to us at our main office and send us copies of documents that you believe will assist.  Please do not send us original documents by post.


419 Wimborne Road East,
BH22 9LZ

Interested In Our Services? Get in touch and let’s discuss your issue…